Saturday, August 7, 2010

Medicine cupboard

I am still de cluttering. I think its a never ending process.
Here is my meds cabinet before
And ta-da. The after.
Posted by PicasaThis is an inexpensive way to clean up. I just used ice cream containers. All you need to do is eat your way through 2 litres of ice cream then recycle the container. I wish chocolate came in 2 litre tubs.

1 comment:

sewfunky said...

woo hoo!

I did a bit of decluttering on the weekend too! I now have 4.5 boxes of childrens books to go to the sallies (some for the blessing table too!) Sometimes I wonder why they all came with us from the old house, and then I remember what a state my mind was in at the time...

Good to have a clear out!